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Thursday 18 August 2011

Milagro de San Cayetano/ A Miracle of St Cajetan

Un día, los religiosos de la orden no tenían que comer por haber dado todo a los menesterosos. Cayetano, que se hallaba orando en el altar, se acercó al sagrario y dando unos golpes en la puerta dijo: “Jesús amado, te recuerdo que hoy no hay nada para comer”. Minutos después, llegaron unas mulas con gran cantidad de provisiones y los arrieros no quisieron decir de dónde las enviaban..

One day, the Theatine brothers had nothing to eat since they had given everything to the needy. St Cajetan, who at that moment was praying at the altar, approached the tabernacle, knocked on the door and said " My beloved Jesus, I want to remind you that today we have nothing to eat". Minutes later, some mules arrived laden with all types of provisions, but the mule drivers refused to reveal who sent them.

1 comment:

  1. St Cajetan pray for me. When I shared my grief with you about my financial loss, my sorrow vanished quickly, it made me unable to think on the loss. But please see the severity of the loss my beloved understanding saint.. please..
