Monday, 7 January 2013

Monthly Commemoration of St Cayetano

O Glorious St Cajetan, Father of Divine Providence, help all those who are unemployed, who search for employment and who fear for their jobs, lead them towards what they are looking for and pray for us all that we may be courageous in the face of adversity.

St Cajetan on his monthly day of commemoration asks us to have hope and to trust in God's bounty, to look to the future and not to surrender to our doubts and fears.

1 comment:

  1. After almost a year of job searching without success I was given a Saint Cajetan prayer card by my friend Anton, within days of praying to this wonderful saint I was invited in for an interview and then back again for a second interview, before being offered a full time job! I received the contract today and am starting next week. I am so thankful to St Cajetan for his intercession and have been telling everyone I know looking for work to not lose heart and to pray to him! Thank you St Cajetan!!
