Thursday, 26 May 2011

Oracion a San Cayetano

Estatua de San Cayetano que se venera en Madrid
Por Intercesion Del Glorioso San Cayetano,
Socorrenos, Señor, con tu Providencia Misericordiosa!

Acto Penitencial

Porque a veces nos falta fe. Señor, ten piedad.
Porque a veces nos falta esperanza. Cristo, ten piedad.
Porque a veces nos falta amor. Señor, ten piedad

Glorioso San Cayetano, aclamado por todos los pueblos "Padre de Providencia"
porque socorres con grandes milagros a cuantos te invocan en sus necesidades;
acudo a tu altar, suplicando, que presentes al Señor los deseos que confiadamente deposito en tus manos.
Te pido que me ayudes a conseguir un trabajo para satisfacer mis necesidades economicas.
Haz que esta gracia, que ahora te pido, me ayuda a buscar siempre
el Reino de Dios y su justicia, sabiendo que Dios, que viste de hermosura las flores del campo
y alimenta con largueza las aves del cielo, me dara las demas cosas por añidadura. Amen

Pidamos confianza en el amor infinito del Padre, que sabe escuchar nuestras suplicas y por intermedio de San Cayetano recibamos la ayuda que mas necesitamos.

Las espigas de San Cayetano que se venden en su fiesta,
simbolo de la Providencia Divina y del pan y trabajo de cada dia

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Conquer Fear!

When you go in fear of the future, when you add, to the reasonable labour of doing what you can do, the unreasonable toil of worrying about what you can't do, then you use, in beating the air, strength which you might have used to good purpose, and that strength is missing when you call upon it.

Since God has given us memory and foresight, it is our duty to look ahead and provide as best we can for the future.
But having used these God given faculties in a sensible way, we are to be perfectly content having done our very best and all that is in our power, and knowing that God will look after the rest.
What you can do, is what you have done.
What you can't do is taken care of by the Providence of God.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Risk brings crisis, but every crisis is an opportunity. 
We must let die what must die.

Monday, 23 May 2011

St Cajetan & the ears of wheat

St Cajetan is often depicted with ears of wheat, which are a symbol of the
most basic need of existence, food and most particularily bread.
These ears of wheat remind us of his title as the Saint of Divine Providence 
and of his miraculous power as intercessor for bread and work .

One of St Cajetan's first publicised miracles in Argentina occurred when the country was in the grip of a great drought. A poor farmer faced with losing his crops and possible destitution, placed an ear of wheat at the feet of a statue of St Cajetan and rain came three days after, saving him and his countrymen from disaster and thereby introducing the symbol of the ear of wheat into the popular iconography of the saint.

En Argentina, su imagen está siempre acompañada de una espiga de trigo, recordando una antigua tradición que relata que un paisano llegado a Buenos Aires, una aldea en ese tiempo, entra a rezar en la pequeña capilla, pidiéndole al Santo la gracia de mejorar la sequía que abatía a su campo sembrado de trigo, ya que malograda la cosecha sería una gran pérdida representada por falta de trabajo y pan para su familia; y para que San Cayetano no olvidara su ruego, le dejó una espiga de trigo. Cuando el paisano regresó a su campo, se encontró un abundante y maduro trigal.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow;
the same Everlasting Father who cares for you today,
will take care of you tomorrow and every day.
Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.

St Francis de Sales

Monday, 9 May 2011

Prayer to the Divine Providence & St Cajetan, for jobseekers

Heavenly Father, giver of every opportunity,
Please help all those who are searching for employment during these very challenging times.
You gave work to mankind as a gift and a way to grow in grace and virtue.
Any diligent work offered in service to you can be a path to holiness and help build up you kingdom.

Lord, please give renewed hope to all the unemployed and sustain them in these difficult times.
By the prayers and holy example of Saint Cajetan, patron of all job seekers, encourage all
those who are looking for work to persevere and grow in deeper trust of your unfailing care for them.
Increase in them O Lord the gifts of ingenuity, courage and persistance.
Through the intercession of St Cajetan, help all the unemployed find dignified work and a secure living wage.
During this time of seeking, may they come to realise that You are all they ever really had and that You are all they ever really needed.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Oracion del trabajo a San Cayetano

Glorioso San Cayetano
 aclamado por todos los pueblos padre de providencia porque socorres con grandes milagros a cuantos te invocan en sus necesidades: acudo a tu altar, suplicando que presentes al Señor los deseos que confiadamente deposito en tus manos.

(Aquí se expresan las gracias que se desea obtener)

Oh glorioso San Cayetano Padre de la Providencia!,
no permitas que en mi casa me falte la subsistencia
y de tu liberal mano una limosna te pido en lo temporal y humano.

¡Oh glorioso San Cayetano!,

Providencia, Providencia, Providencia.

(Aquí se pide la gracia que se desea conseguir)

Glorioso San Cayetano,
interceded por nosotros ante la Divina Providencia.
Dios de todo consuelo, Padre Misericordioso, que ves en los secretos y conoces nuestras necesidades, y alimentas a los pájaros del cielo y vistes los lirios del campo; te pedimos por intercesión de San Cayetano, que nos des fuerzas para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados de modo que, viviendo en amistad con Dios y con todos nuestros hermanos, no nos falte el pan y el trabajo de cada día.
Te lo pedimos por Cristo Nuestro Señor.

Padrenuestro, Avemaría y Gloria.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Grateful Thanks to St Cajetan for a favour received

I give grateful thanks to St Cajetan, St Joseph and Our Blessed Lady for interceding for me when I was unemployed and not allowing me to give in to despair, and for giving me the perserverance to get the job I now have!

St Cajetan faithful son of Our Blessed Lady

Imitate St. Cajetan's devotion to Our Blessed Lady,
by invoking her aid before every work.

St Cajetan's Final Reward

The death of St Cajetan, A.Vaccaro, Prado Madrid

When St. Cajetan was on his death-bed, resigned to the will of God, eager for pain to show his love, and for death to attain eternal life, he beheld the Mother of God, radiant with splendor and surrounded by ministering seraphim. In profound veneration, he said, "Lady, bless me!" Mary replied, "Cajetan, receive the blessing of my Son, and know that I am here as a reward for the sincerity of your love, and to lead you to paradise." She then exhorted him to patience in fighting an evil spirit who troubled him, and gave orders to the choirs of angels to escort his soul in triumph to heaven. Then, turning her countenance full of majesty and sweetness upon him, she said, "Cajetan, my Son calls thee. Let us go in peace." Worn out with toil and sickness, he went to his reward in 1547.

St Cajetan, Father of Divine Providence, Patron Saint of Job-seekers & the unemployed

St Cajetan is known as the Patron of the unemployed and job seekers because he and the order he founded, the Theatines, relied entirely on Divine Providence for sustinence and daily living. Thus by freeing themselves from the shackles of worldly wealth they managed to serve the poor with much more effectiveness since they shared in their poverty, living from day to day. It also meant that they distanced themselves from the corruption and nepotism that unfortunately was common in the 16th century church.
Furthermore St Cajetan set up the first "Monte Pio" which is a kind of bank which gives loans on the security of pawned objects but does not charge interest. Thus he helped the poor of Naples who were being forced further into poverty by loan sharks who abounded in that city and charged such high interest that many became trapped in a spiral of debt.
One story is told about Don Gaetano’s trust in God’s Providence: The church of San Nicola da Tolentino, Naples was given to the Theatines to care for. Don Gaetano had already done his utmost to trim from the convent budget so he could invest more in the temple’s care and embellishment, but at one point, the debts were too much to balance the alms given them. So a debt deadline came up which could not be honoured and he had to humbly ask for an extension. The new date came and went with the same situation, still no money and Don Gaetano having to resort to asking for Divine intervention. A few moments before the creditor was scheduled to arrive, a young man of handsome appearance showed up and without a word dropped a packet in Don Gaetano’s hands and with a salute, left. At the very moment the young man exited, the creditor came in with a sour face. Don Gaetano had the inspiration not to say a word but to open the parcel. In it was the exact amount of money owed. The beautiful story could end here, but the creditor who brushed past the handsome youth on his way in, saw the face of Gaetano shine and silently looked for an answer to the hard hearted question he had in mind. By and by all his profit making intentions melted away and he was moved to remorse, admiration and love. He replaced the money in the priest’s hands saying “In my hands, this is just money but in yours it is the fruit of God’s grace”.
Let us pray that so many who are struggling with unemployment, debt and uncertainty in these difficult times will find their problems resolved and their prayers heard, and that in imitation of St Cajetan our societies and governments may find more just and merciful financial methods which help all, not only the greedy few.

As the Holy Father said during his UK visit, a moral failure was to blame for the global financial crisis.
He said: 'There is widespread agreement that the lack of a solid ethical foundation for economic activity has contributed to the grave difficulties now being experienced by millions of people throughout the world.'
And he said that, just as governments had come to the rescue of the banks, judged 'too big to fail', they must now act to help the world's poorest people.
He said: 'Here is an enterprise, worthy of the world's attention, that is truly "too big to fail".'

The miraculous statue of St Cajetan in Liniers, Buenos Aires